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Try These Tasty New Seed Varieties in Your Square Foot Garden

By July 7th, 2023No Comments

Written by Nicole Holland

“Armchair gardeners” everywhere have a favorite winter hobby: drooling over seed catalogs! Whether a beginner starting out – or an experienced green thumb with an extensive seed collection – you’re always on the hunt for some tasty new varieties. Here’s my delicious picks to try in your next garden.

Toh-Mayto, Toh-Mahto – Delicious No Matter How You Say It

With over 13,000 heirloom and hybrid varieties, there’s so many tomato choices for your SFG. Local nurseries and big box stores offer just a fraction of available varieties, so gardeners look to catalogs and online for unusual seeds. Which shapes, sizes, colors, flavors or acidity levels will you be eating this summer? Here are three that caught my eye:

Black Strawberry Tomato

Black Strawberry Tomatoes

Year of the Salad Greens

Bokoboko Spinach

Bokoboko Spinach

Is a garden complete without crunchy, cool greens? No wonder the National Garden Bureau named 2022 as The Year of the Salad Greens. Lettuce and its cousins are easy to grow, nutritious, and can be a year-round crop in your SFG with a few accessories. Ready, set, salad!

Purple – the “It” Color for 2022

purple broccoli

Purple Broccoli

Another garden essential – and a cost-effective crop – are herbs. At the store, herbs are expensive and sold in a quantity you can’t use fast enough – which leads to food waste. Here’s some new varieties to try in your SFG.

Vertical Veggies

Honeynut Butternut Squash

Honeynut Butternut Squash

Don’t forget to think vertically when planning your SFG to make the most of your grid. Here’s some perfect-for-the-trellis varieties to grow this year; read Chapter Six of All New Square Foot Gardening, 3rd Edition, for instructions on how to build a trellis.

Golden Midget

Golden Midget

Note: Seed availability was “in stock” at time of publication. This article contains affiliate links; our writers may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

Nicole Holland

Nicole Holland is a wife, mom, and avid gardener from Wilmington, Delaware (gardening zone 7a). Nicole has a master’s degree in plant and soil science and has been gardening at her home in the suburbs for over a decade. Her permaculture-inspired gardening methods and intensive planting strategies have allowed her to produce a variety of homegrown fruits and vegetables year-round on a small footprint. Nicole hopes to share some of what she has learned and inspire others to grow their own food.

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