Coarse (or super coarse) vermiculite is usually the challenging Mel’s Mix™ ingredient to source. Worry not! We’ve got you covered.
As of 4th of September 2024, here’s where you can find the right stuff:
Skip to main contentCoarse (or super coarse) vermiculite is usually the challenging Mel’s Mix™ ingredient to source. Worry not! We’ve got you covered.
As of 4th of September 2024, here’s where you can find the right stuff:
Another important ingredient of Mel’s Mix™ that can be difficult to find is peat moss.
You can also ask your local nursery to order your coarse vermiculite and peat moss for you. It’s always a good idea to support your local gardening businesses.
Sadly, peat is a slow growing, natural resource that hasn’t always been well managed, and in many places has been seriously depleted, leaving negative effects on the environment. Many gardeners are looking for a peat alternative.
Mel’s Mix is a carefully chosen, balanced growing medium consisting of 1/3 peat, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 blended compost. It is ph neutral, nutrient rich, friable, and well draining without drying out. All three ingredients play their part in creating this winning combination.
Here are some handy charts explaining how much Mel’s Mix you need for common SFG box sizes and explaining how many 5
gallon buckets each of peat moss, compost, and coarse vermiculite you need to make specific volumes of Mel’s Mix.
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