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Greetings, SFGers!

With the sun setting earlier and our garden foliage becoming tired and “crispy,” nature is telling us autumn is just around the corner. Just as our gardens turn a page, the close of summer means the anticipation of school for many families. As grownups we may be long past blackboards and crayons, but isn’t it true that gardeners never graduate? Deep down, we are lifelong learners. Do any of us ever stop researching, experimenting, note taking – and occasionally swearing at the mayhem nature can inflict on our backyard SFGs?
Here’s to being thankful for our garden classrooms – enjoy the three “how to” blogs we share below.

Happy Gardening!
Laura and Steve Bartholomew
The Square Foot Gardening Foundation

Plan Your Fall SFG - First Frost Map

We’ve got you covered for all things cool-weather crop related … preseason is here! Use this map to find your zone’s first frost date, then download our handy Fall Planting Guide below and plug your first frost date into the easy-to-use chart. Presto – we take the guesswork out of when to plant your seeds and transplants for a delicious autumn harvest. Find more useful charts in our book, All New Square Foot Gardening, 3rd Edition.

estimated first frost date in fall

Vegetable of the Month - Get Sweet on Beets

Versatile, colorful and packed with nutrition – that’s the scoop on beets, a favorite cool-season crop among home gardeners. Beets do well in spring and fall gardens in the North; in the South they can be grown almost all winter.
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